EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
16 12-2020

Value of Treatment 2: working sessions report


The Value of Treatment (VOT) research project, initiated and coordinated by EBC, aims to identify treatment gaps and causing factors along the care pathway and propose solutions to address them; assess health gains and socio-economic impacts resulting from best practice healthcare interventions, in comparison with current care or no treatment. Furthermore, its objective is to [...]

18 04-2017

EBC attends the 25th European Congress of Psychiatry (Full Report)


From 1 – 4 April, EBC was pleased to attend the 25th European Congress of Psychiatry held by one of its members, The European Psychiatric Association (EPA), in Florence, Italy. Guided by the motto “Together for Mental Health,”  the congress facilitated learning, discussion, and exchange among European and international psychiatrists together with leaders of stakeholder organisations in mental [...]

4 04-2017

EBC attends 25th European Congress of Psychiatry, Florence (04.17)


From 1 - 4 April, EBC was pleased to attend the 25th European Congress of Psychiatry held by one of its members, The European Psychiatric Association (EPA), in Florence, Italy. Guided by the motto “Together for Mental Health,”  the congress facilitated learning, discussion, and exchange among European and international psychiatrists together with leaders of stakeholder organisations in mental [...]

17 02-2017

Joint Statement on Mental Health (13.02.17)


Mental health is everyone’s concern: A Joint statement by 17 European organisations, including EBC, released on Monday 13th February is calling for more action on Mental Health in Europe Our joint statement on mental health urges the EU and Member States to step up efforts to fully implement the Joint Action’s resulting Framework for Action [...]

9 02-2017

Mental Health & Active Ageing Conference, 8 February 2017


On 8 February 2017,  EBC attended the Mental Health & Active Ageing: Ensuring opportunities and participation in society at all ages conference, organized by Mental Health Europe together with MEP Deirdre Clune (Ireland, EPP).  Held in the European Parliament, Brussels,  the meeting gathered more than 50 people to discuss the importance of active ageing and why it matters to [...]

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