EBC is currently involved in the following projects:
Hugo Hermantin2024-03-21T14:05:55+00:00
CSA BrainHealth
Coordination and Support Action BrainHealth The CSA BrainHealth addresses [...]
Dominika Suchonova2024-02-14T15:22:22+00:00
The EU-funded BRAINTEASER project aims to bring Artificial Intelligence home for a better care of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis.
Dominika Suchonova2024-10-16T08:03:48+00:00
Full project name: HetERogeneous sEmantic Data integratIon for the [...]
Dominika Suchonova2024-02-14T15:23:04+00:00
The “FuEl ThE bRaiN In healtThY aging and agE-relateD diseases” ETERNITY will contribute to the strengthening of the European innovation capacity by training a new generation of researchers with experience and full understanding of the requirements of academia, pharmaceutical and food supplement companies, and the society.