EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
10 03-2023

Final programme set for European Brain Foundation Fundraising Gala – join us there!


Get involved and lend your support to a good cause -join in celebrating the first fundraising initiative of the European Brain Foundation (EBF), fittingly held during Brain Awareness Week! The Fundraising Gala Dinner will take place on Thursday, 16 March 2023, in Brussels.  This special event will fall under the theme “Healthy Brains – [...]

16 12-2022

Global Partnerships in Brain Research | Brain Awareness Week 2023


Brain Awareness Week 2023: Global Partnerships in Brain Research  Brussels, Belgium | 16 March 2022 | 10:00-17:00 Enhancing global collaboration in the domain of research and innovation is key for effectively addressing today’s societal challenges and improving the health and well-being of citizens. This is particularly true for brain disorders, including both neurological and [...]

26 03-2021

Event Report: “Patient Engagement in EU-Funded Brain Research Projects”


On 16 March 2021, on the occasion of Brain Awareness Week 2021, the European Brain Council, in partnership with the European Federation of Neurological Associations & GAMIAN-Europe, held an event on Patient Engagement in EU-Funded Brain Research Projects. The event aimed to shed light on the current state of patient engagement in EU-funded brain [...]

6 03-2019

EBC holds Brain Awareness Week event on “Mood and Food: Exploring the gut-brain connection”


Though Brain Awareness Week is still approaching, held next week on March 11-15, the European Brain Council held its annual event early this year, ensuring access to the European Parliament in Brussels and an audience of policymakers and the general public. This year, the event focused on "Mood and Food: Exploring the gut-brain connection", examining [...]

22 03-2018

BAW 2018 Event Report: “Expanding Brain Research in Europe: Education, Behaviour and Brain Development”


On 15 March 2018, EBC held its annual Brain Awareness Week event at the European Parliament (in Strasbourg, France) in partnership with FENS, EDAB, BBC, University of Strasbourg-Neuropole and the Bureau Grand Est. The event is designed for outreach to the general public and policymakers, to give an insight into the world of neuroscience and [...]

19 03-2017

Brain Awareness Week: Outreach Event, Strasbourg (16.03.17)


What is Brain Awareness Week? The global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research Brain Awareness Week unites the efforts of partner organizations from around the world in a week-long celebration of the brain every March. Partners organize creative and innovative activities in their communities to educate and excite [...]

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