EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
The 9th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) will take place on 1-4 July 2023 in Budapest (Hungary). The overarching theme of the congress is "Neurology beyond the Big Data". The EAN Congress will provide an unrivalled chance for our community to share a rewarding clinical and scientific experience. With the rich [...]
The European Brain Council (EBC) is pleased to hold a Scientific Theatre on "Rethinking the management of brain disorders: Alzheimer's disease & migraine" on 1 July 20223 at 11:00 - 11:30 during the 9th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology in Budapest (Hungary). Despite improvements and innovation in recent years, [...]
EBC looks forward to being part of the 9th European Academy of Neurology congress, to be held on 1-4 July, 2023 in Budapest, Hungary with a TV studio special session centred around its advocacy work for the brain. This session, taking place on 3 July 2023 at 16:15-17:15 CET and led by members of [...]
EBC looks forward to presenting an ePoster on 'The role of patient representatives in the optimization of Patient Care Pathways at European level: the PKU experience' on 4 July 2023 at 13:13 - 13:16 at screen A2 in the Poster Area in the Exhibition Hall. Authors Cannizzo S, Quoidbach V, Treacy EP, Lange E, [...]