Dominika Suchonova2024-07-23T14:52:49+00:0023-07-2024|
This December 7th (Zagreb Croatia), Plexus is gathering elite physicians from top US hospitals including Cleveland Clinic to teach the most cutting-edge, actionable clinical skills and knowledge through immersive workshops in cardiology, emergency medicine, endocrinology, and oncology. These limited-capacity, hands-on sessions are a unique opportunity for physicians, residents, and medical students to elevate their [...]
On the 29th September 2020, the National Brain Councils active in the “Share4Brain” EU project (Erasmus+) organized a virtual session with the auspices of the European Brain Council. Monica di Luca, EBC President, talked about the challenges that the EU will face to combat the rapid expansion of brain diseases. Frédericq Destrebecq, EBC Executive [...]
Stephanie Kramer2020-09-04T10:28:03+00:0004-09-2020|News|
In August, the European Brain Council (EBC) was able to provide feedback and input to the European Commission on the draft of the “First Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022 of the Health Cluster”. An overarching first response to the draft Work Programme was composed, representing the views of the brain research community as a whole. [...]
Experts call for coordinated public education and research programmes to avert a brain disease crisis Experts are calling for a public health campaign aimed at promoting a ‘brain-healthy lifestyle’ to reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. The campaign should support existing health promotion work by [...]
Last Monday and Tuesday, 23-24 April 2018, EBC held the two-day event "Brain Research in Europe: Shaping FP9 and Delivering Innovation to the Benefit of Patients" at the University Foundation in Brussels. The event was organised in three different sessions: "FP9 and Missions", "The Value of Innovation" and "European Brain Research: Shifting Gears and Going [...]
On 15 March 2018, EBC held its annual Brain Awareness Week event at the European Parliament (in Strasbourg, France) in partnership with FENS, EDAB, BBC, University of Strasbourg-Neuropole and the Bureau Grand Est. The event is designed for outreach to the general public and policymakers, to give an insight into the world of neuroscience and [...]
EBC Board Meeting #4 and General Assembly #2 22nd - 23rd November 2017 University Foundation Rue d’Egmont, 11 - BE-1000 Brussels Last week EBC held its final Board Meeting and General Assembly of 2017. It was a full two days starting with the Digital Health event at the European Parliament, and leading into the election [...]
Brain conditions affect over 1.1 million people in Ireland but investment in research into these conditions remains behind cancer and cardiovascular research with a critical need for targeted funding to support research into brain conditions in this country. This was the central message of the Neurological Alliance of Ireland & Irish Brain Council conference "Brain [...]
The European Brain Council (EBC) launched on 18 March a Consensus Statement meant to improve collaboration in the field of European brain research. The document is titled “The need to expand Brain Research in Europe” and can be viewed here. In promoting brain health in Europe, EBC recognises the vital need to create a body [...]