EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
18 02-2021

MULTI-ACT project launches Save the Date for Final Conference


MULTI-ACT Final Conference The MULTI-ACT Model: The Path Forward for Participatory Governance in Health Research and Innovation 23 March 2021 (14:00-17:00 CET) After years of work, the outcomes of the MULTI-ACT project will be presented at the Final Conference, “The MULTI-ACT model: the path forward for participatory governance in health research and innovation”, to be held [...]

7 11-2019

RETHINKING MS project presented at European Parliament


On 6 November 2019, the European Brain Council (EBC) and The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) were able to present preliminary reports from the RETHINKING MS project during a meeting of the MEP Interest Group on Brain, Mind and Pain. Attendees were welcomed by Joke Jaarsma, European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA), and Deirdre Ryan, Pain Alliance Europe [...]

4 04-2019

VOT & EBC featured in Spanish publication on health and social care for MS in Spain


The publication “SumEMos: Análisis y propuestas para contribuir a normalizar la vida con EM” integrates all voices from the Multiple Sclerosis community in Spain. The document was released in the last weeks in conclusion of last year's “SumEMos para normalizar la vida con EM” conference on 4 October. The publication aimed to answer a series of [...]

20 06-2018

EBC at EAN Congress 2018


EBC was happy to take part in the 4th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, which took place from 16-19 June in Lisbon, Portugal. EBC was present in the exhibition hall to raise awareness of the work being done in Brussels with the recently released Brain Mission and brain research advocacy work, as well [...]

13 03-2018

EFNA launch ‘Survey of Young Europeans with Neurological Conditions’


This Brain Awareness Week, The European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) has launched a Survey of Young Europeans with Neurological Conditions: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EFNA-YS The objective of this survey is to gain an understanding of the biggest issues affecting participants in their daily lives and also to learn about their relationships with and opinion of patient groups. [...]

25 07-2017

The Value of Early Intervention in Brain, Mind and Pain Conditions event – 12 July 2017


On 12 July 2017, the meeting of the MEP Interest Group on Brain, Mind and Pain, and the Interest Group on Mental Health, Well-being and Brain Disorders took place in the European Parliament (Brussels) in partnership with EBC. The event was hosted by MEPs Jana Žitňanská, Marian Harkin, Michał Boni and Marek Plura. The well-attended and [...]

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