As part of the UN Science Summit at the 79th United Nations General Assembly and Summit for the Future, Rice University’s Baker Institute Center for Health and Bioscience, the California Mental Health Services Oversight Accountability Commission, the Brain Capital Alliance, the Euro-Mediterranean Economists’ Association, HKS and NeuroCentury are convening a plenary conference on 18 [...]
Hugo Hermantin2024-09-10T17:49:17+00:0005-03-2024|Global Partnerships|
As part of the Global Brain Coalition, the European Brain Council (EBC), Brain Capital Alliance, Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute and UNICEF will host a two-day, high-level side event at the 79th United Nations General Assembly, in collaboration with partner organizations, in the framework of the Science Summit at the 79th [...]
Stephanie Kramer2024-07-10T10:49:03+00:0008-12-2023|
On January 25th, 2024, the European Brain Council, in partnership with Rice University Baker Institute for Public Policy and the Brain Capital Alliance, hosted a full-day event, Brain Health for Society: Insights from Brain Capital. Guided by Frédéric Destrebecq, Executive Director of the European Brain Council, this event included invited speakers and stakeholders and [...]
Hugo Hermantin2023-10-04T10:30:16+00:0008-08-2023|
This conference will present the novel concept of ‘Brain Capital’ which puts a premium on cognitive skills and abilities in accomplishing socio-economic objectives. Building Brain Capital is fundamental for meeting modern societal challenges and driving innovation. The concept has been elaborated by the Neuroscience-inspired Policy Initiative launched by the OECD. Following its success, the [...]
Stephanie Kramer2023-09-16T16:22:08+00:0012-07-2023|
As part of the European Brain Council (EBC)’s Global Partnerships in Brain Research activities, EBC, in collaboration with the Baker Institute for Public Policy, the Brain Capital Alliance, the Brain Health Nexus and supporting partners will organise an event at the Science Summit at the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78) on 18 September 2023 [...]
Stephanie Kramer2023-06-21T15:41:07+00:0023-03-2023|News|
On 16 March 2023, the European Brain Council (EBC) held its annual Brain Awareness Week event, this time with a full-day programme focused around Global Partnerships in Brain Research, showcasing ongoing work to enable dialogue and foster further collaboration within the community. The event was a perfect opportunity for participants to learn from their [...]
Dominika Suchonova2023-02-13T11:34:37+00:0013-02-2023|
The world is increasingly relying on brain capital, where a premium is put on brain skills and brain health (e.g. individual’s cognitive, emotional, and social brain resources). Investing in building brain capital is fundamental to meet modern societal challenges and to drive innovation. However, understanding the brain, brain health, and brain disorders is essential [...]
Stephanie Kramer2023-03-02T11:59:13+00:0016-12-2022|
Brain Awareness Week 2023: Global Partnerships in Brain Research Brussels, Belgium | 16 March 2022 | 10:00-17:00 Enhancing global collaboration in the domain of research and innovation is key for effectively addressing today’s societal challenges and improving the health and well-being of citizens. This is particularly true for brain disorders, including both neurological and [...]