EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
24 07-2020

EBC launches 2019 Annual Report


The European Brain Council is glad to announce the release of its 2019 Annual Report, filled with content shedding light on projects, events and activities and further achievements of EBC, its members and its stakeholders. You can read and download the full report here.

3 07-2019

EBC at EAN Congress 2019


EBC was present again this year at the Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, marking their 5th year of annual congresses. This year the congress was held in Oslo, Norway, and EBC was pleased to be able to participate in the Exhibition Hall as well as in the Scientific Theatre and EFNA-EAN Special Session. [...]

21 11-2018

EBC holds “Enhanced engagement through public-private partnerships” event as part of the Value of Innovation series


Today, the European Brain Council, together with its members and industry partners, hosts the event “Enhanced engagement through public-private partnerships: Sustaining therapeutic innovation to address patient needs” as part of its Value of Innovation series. The full day event will provide the opportunity for individual EBC members and industry partners to showcase their latest initiatives [...]

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