EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
2 05-2017

NEW VIDEO: Brain Awareness Week Outreach Event, Highlights


EBC has just released another video on its YouTube channel, a highlights video of the EBC outreach event held on 16th March 2017 at The European Parliament in Strasbourg. The outreach event was titled: "Expanding Brain Research in Europe: A Societal Need?" and was held in the framework of Brain Awareness Week 2017, a global [...]

25 04-2017

Belgian Brain Council Upcoming GA: 17 June


The Belgian Brain Council  will be having its General Assembly on 17th June 2017, with appointment of new President, new Secretary General, and new Pharma Industry delegate. On the occasion of International Parkinson's Day, 11 April 2017, the Belgian Brain Council released their National Brain Plan: A four paged document detailing the setting up of a Belgian [...]

20 04-2017

EBC President Prof. David Nutt TEDx Talk now online


On 6th March 2017, EBC’s president, Professor David Nutt, delivered a presentation as one of this year’s speakers at the TEDx Brussels event, a full afternoon of live talks by world-class speakers on a diverse range of topics, held at BOZAR, Brussels. In keeping with the TEDx theme "no limits", Professor Nutt’s Talk, titled “No Limits: To the [...]

24 02-2017

EBC Board Meetings 8 – 9 February, 2017


EBC held the first Industry board meeting and board meeting of 2017 on the 8 - 9th of February.  On this occasion, delegates from EBC’s member organisations and industry partners discussed the ongoing activities of the organisation and plans for the year ahead. The main outcomes that can be singled out include: The Board of [...]

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