The European Brain Council wishes you all the best in 2018. We have an exciting year ahead of us here at EBC, and we look forward to everything unfolding over the year. We have plenty projects in the works and underway, and events already coming up.
We look forward to seeing you at the EPA Congress in Nice, France on 3-6 March at the exhibition hall and EBC-EPA Joint Symposium on Transition of Care. Furthermore, we hope to see you in Strasbourg, France for this year’s Brain Awareness Week outreach event at the European Parliament on 15 March, focusing this year on Education, Behaviour and Brain Development. Watch our Events section and follow us on Twitter for more event announcements & latest news!
EBC officially welcomes our newly elected Executive in 2018!
L-R: Prof. Wolfgang Oertel (Vice President), Prof. Monica Di Luca (President), Prof. David Nutt (Outgoing President), Prof. Patrice Boyer (Vice President) and Joke Jaarsma (Treasurer)