EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
9 08-2024

New EU4HEALTH Integration and Impact Initiative


We're happy to announce that the EU4Health Integration and Impact Initiative has been granted to tackle pressing public health challenges in Europe! Starting in June 2024, this 12-month project will address healthcare disparities, improve access to therapies, enhance diversity in clinical trials, and bridge gaps in paediatric cancer care and brain health, while advocating [...]

2 08-2024

Discover the Early Programme of the 2024 Brain Innovation Days


We are pleased to announce the early programme for the upcoming Brain Innovation Days, organised by the European Brain Council (EBC). The event will take place on 13-14 November 2024 in Brussels, Belgium. The aim of the event is to bring the wider brain ecosystem together to foster dialogue, exchange knowledge, accelerate investment in research [...]

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