EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
8 08-2023

EBC Keynote | Value of Treatment Case Study: Chronic Pain Disorders


During the 2023 European Pain Federation EFIC Congress, Frédéric Destrebecq, Executive Director of the European Brain Council, will deliver a keynote for the session titled “VoT Chronic Pain - Health Gains and Socio-Economic Impacts of Interdisciplinary Multimodal Chronic Pain Management”.The session will discuss more value-based and patient-centred care, outline the best practice healthcare intervention, and [...]

30 04-2018

Event Report: “Brain Research in Europe: Shaping FP9 and Delivering Innovation to the Benefit of Patients” & Brain Mission launch


Last Monday and Tuesday, 23-24 April 2018, EBC held the two-day event "Brain Research in Europe: Shaping FP9 and Delivering Innovation to the Benefit of Patients" at the University Foundation in Brussels. The event was organised in three different sessions: "FP9 and Missions", "The Value of Innovation" and "European Brain Research: Shifting Gears and Going [...]

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