EBC is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and industry partners.
7 03-2021

Last week to register for the MULTI-ACT Project’s Final Conference


After years of work, the outcomes of the MULTI-ACT project will be presented at the Final Conference, “The MULTI-ACT model: the path forward for participatory governance in health research and innovation”, to be held virtually on 23 March 2021 at 14:00-17:00. The EU-funded MULTI-ACT project aims to increase the impact of health research on [...]

24 02-2021

Patient Engagement in EU-Funded Brain Research Projects (EBC-EFNA-GAMIAN-Europe Brain Awareness Week Event)


  Brain Awareness Week 2021 EBC in partnership with EFNA & GAMIAN-Europe Patient Engagement in EU-Funded Brain Research Projects Digital Event – 16 March, 12:30-14:00 Patient engagement in research is an approach that involves meaningful and active collaboration with patients in the governance, priority setting, conducting and knowledge translation of research. While patient engagement is [...]

24 02-2021

What can we learn from the vaccination campaign?


Just over a month ago, EBC published its statement on the impact of COVID-19 on brain health, hoping that the growing evidence of the long-term effects of the disease would be taken into account in the planning for post-pandemic recovery at the EU and national levels. It continues to grow more evident that COVID-19 has [...]

23 02-2021

MULTI-ACT Final Conference: “The MULTI-ACT Model: The Path Forward for Participatory Governance in Health Research and Innovation”


  MULTI-ACT Final Conference “The MULTI-ACT model: the path forward for participatory governance in health research and innovation” 23 March 2021, 14:00 - 17:00 CET   After years of work, the outcomes of the MULTI-ACT project will be presented at the Final Conference, “The MULTI-ACT model: the path forward for participatory governance in health research and innovation”, to [...]

18 02-2021

MULTI-ACT project launches Save the Date for Final Conference


MULTI-ACT Final Conference The MULTI-ACT Model: The Path Forward for Participatory Governance in Health Research and Innovation 23 March 2021 (14:00-17:00 CET) After years of work, the outcomes of the MULTI-ACT project will be presented at the Final Conference, “The MULTI-ACT model: the path forward for participatory governance in health research and innovation”, to be held [...]

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