IMI is a partnership of the EU and industry, working together to tackle various diseases.  On 19 March, 2017, EBC attended an event organised by IMI, giving presentations of the progress made so far in Alzheimer’s Disease by the various IMI projects.

Updates were provided on the following projects:

  • AETIONOMY: Organising mechanistic knowledge about neurodegenerative diseases for the improvement of drug development and therapy,
  • EMIF-AD: the European Medical Information Framework (Alzheimer’s Disease),
  • EPAD: European Prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia consortium,
  • AMYPAD: Amyloid imaging to prevent Alzheimer’s disease,
  • ROADMAP: Real world outcomes across the AD spectrum for better care: multi-modal data access platform,
  • MOPEAD: Models of patient engagement for Alzheimer’s Disease


Brussels, Belgium, 19 March 2015 – Today, the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and its AETIONOMY, EMIF and EPAD projects are proud to announce the creation of the IMI Alzheimer’s Disease Research Platform. The platform will facilitate collaboration between the three projects, helping them to deliver results faster. At the same time, IMI and the Global Alzheimer’s Platform (GAP) are announcing their plans to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to accelerate Alzheimer’s drug development by building a global, standing, trial-ready platform for Alzheimer’s drug development.

The announcements come during a symposium held at the 12th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases and Related Neurological Disorders (AD/PD 2015), and in the wake of a major World Health Organization (WHO) conference on dementia.

Dementia already affects over 35 million people globally, and as populations age, this figure is set to rise to over 115 million by 2050. The disease places a huge and growing burden on health and social care systems and on the families and carers of those affected. Yet despite decades of research, there is still neither treatment nor cure for the disease.

The challenge of developing new, effective treatments for dementia is simply too great for any organisation to tackle alone, and so IMI has launched a number of projects that bring together leading experts from the pharmaceutical industry, universities, small biotechs, and patient organisations from across Europe and beyond. The three projects in the new IMI Alzheimer’s Disease Research Platform have a combined budget of €138 million and address complementary areas of Alzheimer’s disease research.

To read more on each project click here.

To find out about opportunities for patients to get involved in Alzheimer’s research via Alzheimer’s Europe, click here.