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The 26th European Congress of Psychiatry, organised by the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) will take place in Nice, France on 3-6 March 2018. Every year, EPA’s psychiatry Congress brings together expert clinical psychiatrists, researchers and leaders of stakeholder organizations in the field of mental health.

This year’s Congress motto is Mental Health: Integrate, Innovate, Individualise. A special focus of EPA 2018 will be the integration of new technologies and research findings into person-centred approaches to prevention, care and training, at a time of difficult challenges such as displacement, war, economic constraints and terrorism.
EBC is happy to once again be part of the programme this year, with a spot in the exhibition hall and a joint symposium with EPA on “The Value of Effective Transition of Care”. The session will take place on 4 March at 17:00, and will highlight the importance of effective transition of care in psychiatry, with examples of disease areas ADHD and Eating Disorders. Our speakers will be Profs. Philip Asherson, Ulrike Schmidt, Celso Arango and Nicola Specchio. The session will be co-moderated by Profs. Monica Di Luca (EBC President) and Silvana Galderisi (EPA President).
Register to attend the 4-day congress, HERE


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