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The ‘Building the Mental Wealth of Nations‘ will take place in Davos, Switzerland.

The event is brought to you by the Mental Wealth Initiative at the University of Sydney. Our vision is to move towards a mentally and socially thriving world. We believe the wealth of a nation is not just based on economic prosperity. National prosperity must be inclusive of social production and the mental health and wellbeing of communities

Today we face unprecedented challenges as climate change re-shapes our borders and our boundaries. Now, more than ever, we need to bring people together from all industries to collaborate and find solutions to protect and enhance the mental wealth of our nations.

The tools and technologies of the 20th Century are inadequate to address the challenges we are currently facing and beyond. We need bold new approaches and to adopt innovative technologies and solutions, through:

  • Enhancing GDP by including the value of social production which underpins the economic prosperity and social cohesion of nations.
  • Stronger public-private partnerships to enhance brain capital, mental health and community connectedness
  • Undertaking interdisciplinary research to come up with practical solutions for global challenges
  • Using AI, systems modelling and simulation to help leaders make effective decisions

EBC Executive Director, Frédéric Destrebecq, will contribute to the session ‘Building Mental Wealth – threat and possible solutions’, providing an overview about what is mental wealth and how it can be measured and improved.

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