Brussels 20KM Run – #Move4YrBrain
26.05.2024 @ 09:30 - 14:30
The European Brain Foundation joins forces with the European Brain Council to shed light on the benefits of physical exercise for the brain, reactivating the #Move4YrBrain campaign. Physical activity and healthy lifestyles have a clear and demonstrated impact on brain health. Whether you’re running, walking, or jogging, let’s lace up our shoes, hit the pavement, and boost our brain health together!
Share your runs, walks, or jogs with us using #Move4YrBrain or by joining our Strava group. We encourage each and every one of you to start – or keep – exercising and share your pictures on social media with the hashtag #Move4YrBrain, or our website. T-shirts can be made available upon request.
As part of the #Move4YrBrain Campaign, members of the EBC team will also take part in the 20KM of Brussels on May 26, a sport event dedicated to handisport, runners and walkers.
Registrations to the 20km of Brussels are now officially sold out. The last race numbers will go on sale on 2 May at 9am on the organizers’ website.