FINAL-EHP2016_AffA3_sessie2_DEF“Healthcare in Europe: the challenge of sustainability and innovation”

On the 17th of February, the 2nd plenary session of the European Health Parliament 2016 titled “Healthcare in Europe: the challenge of sustainability and innovation” took place at the European Parliament. MEP Giovanni La Via and MEP Philippe de Backer co-hosted the session, being accompanied by MEP Eva Kaili and MEP Karin Kadenbach on the panel.

The initiative gathered more than 50 young people under 35 years old of all backgrounds, from all over Europe. They worked as a Parliament – divided in 5 subgroups and collaborat together during seven months to make Europe the healthiest place on earth.

The project was initiated by Johnson&Johnson and supported by Google, POLITICO, the College of Europe and EU40.

The young Health Parliamentarians divided in 5 subgroups had each a short presentation showcasing the current status of their work. They received input from the other groups. The aim was to have in this phase of the initiative a first draft of a high-level paper that the participants are co-authoring. The participants were divided in break-out sessions to brainstorm and include in their works what they learned during the day.

Watch highlights of the kick-off plenary session organised on the 9th of December 2015.