October 10 is World Mental Health Day, which this year focuses on Mental Health at the Workplace. It is the 25th year of World Mental Health Day, an initiative that each year aims to raise awareness on mental health and the continued issues people living with mental health conditions go through on a day to day basis, as well as the prevalence of the conditions. Follow our tweets all day and help spread the word!
Depression in the workplace is a leading cause of lost work productivity, sick leave and early retirement. Consider the following European Union statistics:
- Key findings indicate that one in ten working people have taken time off work because of depression, and around 350 million working days are lost in the EU each year due to stress and depression;
- Mental disorders are highly prevalent in Europe and impose a major burden on individuals, society and the economy. They represent 22% of the EU’s total burden of disability;
The overall financial costs of mental disorders, including direct, as well as indirect, medical costs through care and lost productivity, amount to more than €450 billion per year in the EU.
Stigma also accounts for a big part of the problem. The misunderstanding that surrounds mental health problems or illness contributes to preconceived notions, misconceptions and fears. Employees facing mental health challenges often choose to suffer in silence and/or avoid getting help rather than face the stigma and discrimination.
If you want to learn more about how you can tackle mental health at your workplace, please visit the Not Myself Today website to discover EBC’s mental health at the workplace toolkit, thanks to partners in Canada.
We also take this opportunity to recall our statement on Depression from earlier this year on WHO World Health Day, as it is equally as relevant today as it was a few months ago, and will continue to be until addressing mental health is a priority:
EBC Statement – WHO World Health Day FINAL