Today, EBC held an event at the European Parliament on the subject of eHealth, entitled “Brain Health: the digital future is on its way”. Hosted by MEPs Michal Boni and Carlos Zorrinho, the 2 hour event includes a wide range of stakeholder perspectives on the broader topic of eHealth.

The afternoon event is opened by one of the host MEPs, Michal Boni, who is part of the ITRE (Industry, Technology, Research and Energy) Committee and has worked a lot in digitalization, information systems, and eHealth, to name a few. Beginning with an introduction to eHealth as part of the EU Digital Single Market strategy, which aims to open up digital opportunities for people and business and enhance Europe’s position as a world leader in the digital economy.

EBC President Prof. David Nutt chairs the meeting, commencing with a brief insight into EBC’s work and an introduction to the topic of digital health, its potential and EBC’s interests in it.

The first speaker was Ms Elen Ohov, providing a political update from the Estonian Presidency of the EU. She is the Counsellor for eServices (Health and Social Affairs) at the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU, and presents the views of the Estonian Presidency of the EU on eHealth & digitalization, based on the presidency’s agenda. Two of its priorities are ‘a digital Europe and the free movement of data’ and ‘an open and innovative European economy’.

Ms Magda Chlebus, Director of Science Policy at the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), showcases the benefits of a public-private partnership with an introduction to their work and a presentation on the Radar CNS project— a major new research programme which is developing new ways of monitoring major depressive disorder, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis using wearable devices and smartphone technology— as well as the forthcoming EFPIA project on digital endpoints (mobility, mood, fatigue, sleep) as alternatives to today’s not very reliable endpoints in clinical development.

Ms Monika Benson, Executive Director of Dystonia Europe, brings the patient’s perspective on eHealth tot he agenda, with the benefits of patient engagement in the digitalization of healthcare and an introduction to the MyDystonia app. Dystonia Europe is a non-governmental organization serving the needs of everybody with an interest in dystonia, with the mission to better the quality of lives of people living with Dystonia in Europe, while supporting the search for a cure, through awareness raising, knowledge sharing and fostering of education. She also spoke about their app, MyDystonia, which can help patients improve quality of life by continuously monitoring their health condition and daily routines.



Prof. Giuseppe Carrà, Tenure track researcher in Psychiatry at the University of Milano Bicocca, has extensively researched in the field of addiction and other mental health disorders, with a special interest for e-Health. He covers the perspective of mental health professionals on eHealth and digital tools.

Kim Baden-Kristensen, Founder & CEO of Brain+, part of the Digital Therapeutics Partnership, discusses the added value of multi-stakeholder collaboration and eHealth start-ups.

Two eHealth start-ups also present as part of the Start-up Showcase time, and included Thomas Lethenborg, CEO & Partner of Monsenso, with  a presentation of a mHealth solution aimed at providing better mental to more people at lower costs by connecting patient, clinicians and carers and fostering improved, data-based care; and Deepak Tawari, Founder & CEO of Privately, presenting an AI (artificial intelligence) based tool/app, Oyoty, that supports online well-being in children. The technology detects online threats and risks in real time and make technical as well as educational interventions to help a young person to navigate their online lives.

See the full agenda HERE

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