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The 17th European Headache Congress (EHC) will take place from 6-9 December 2023, in Barcelona, Spain. Under the theme ‘Headache: Expanding the horizon,’ EHC 2023 aims to spotlight the latest advancements in headache research and its management. The event’s scientific agenda will encompass diverse sessions, educational courses, sponsored symposia, expert meetings, and poster presentations.

On December 6th, Michela Tinelli (London School of Economics – LSE) and Vinciane Quoidbach (European Brain Council – EBC) on behalf of the EBC-led Rethinking Migraine project will present a poster with the topic: ”Rethinking Migraine: will shifting the emphasis towards preventative treatment of migraine, using new CGRP-targeting medicines, be of added value to society from a health economics perspective?”.

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