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Brain Awareness Week, taking place this year on the 13-19 March,  is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research organised by the DANA Foundation. Every March, partner organizations worldwide work together to celebrate the brain for people of all ages.

As part of Brain Awareness Week, EBC, in partnership with The European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB), MEPs Anne Sander, Frédérique Ries, and Momchil Nekov, the Belgian Brain Council and the French Brain Council,  is hosting a workshop entitled “Expanding brain research in Europe – A societal need?” on 16 March 2017 from 09.00 – 11.00, at  the European Parliament, Strasbourg.


To register for the Strasbourg event, click here.

In parallel to this event, a lunch debate under the same title: “Expanding brain research in Europe – A societal need?” will be held on 14 March from 11.00 – 14.00 at the University Foundation (Rue d’Egmont 11), Brussels. 

To register for the Brussels event, click here.

More details on both events will be shared over the coming weeks. For any queries, contact workshop@braincouncil.eu 

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