36th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International
24.04.2024 - 26.04.2024
The 36th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International will take place in Kraków, Poland from 24-26 April 2024, with ADI member Polskie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Osobom z Chorobą Alzheimera (Polish Alzheimer’s Association).
Coming together under the conference theme of ‘Dementia: Insights. Innovations. Inspirations.’, the conference will bring together experts from across the world to share information on achievements, innovations and best practices in dementia research, care and policy, while continuing to address and challenge the perceptions around dementia.
The conference will follow on from ADI 2022 and be offered in hybrid format, combining in-person and virtual elements for an educational and interactive experience for delegates.
The conference programme will be structured around the 7 action areas of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Global Action Plan on dementia, which centre around policy, awareness, prevention and diagnosis, research, care and treatment of dementia.
EBC is pleased to be part of this year’s conference and hold the following presentations highlighting the Rethinking Alzheimer’s disease project, calling for change in Alzheimer ‘s care:
- Rethinking Alzheimer’s disease: Cross-roads in the earlier detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s (poster presentation), 24-26 April 2024
- Rethinking Alzheimer’s disease: Scaling up health systems’ readiness, 26 April 2024, 13:30-15:00