Stephanie Kramer2022-03-24T13:22:28+00:0018-03-2022|
The European Brain Council marked World Suicide Prevention Day 2017 with the release of a policy summary of Facts and Recommendations on Suicide in Europe, produced by an EBC-convened working group of experts. More than 150,000 people in Europe die by suicide every year. Increased attention needs to be paid to those who are taking their...
Stephanie Kramer2022-03-18T15:52:35+00:0018-03-2022|
On 21 November 2017, GAMIAN-Europe and the European Brain Council launched an Expert Policy Paper entitled ‘Bridging the Gap: Optimising transition from child to adult mental healthcare’ at a meeting in the European Parliament. The Expert Policy Paper suggests simple measures that aim to ensure young adults, who may require continued care, receive the support they need....
Stephanie Kramer2022-04-14T12:43:59+00:0018-03-2022|
In January 2021, EBC joined the BRAINTEASER project, which kicked off in partnership with 11 partners, a multidisciplinary gender-balanced consortium from academia, industry, clinical settings and the non-profit sector coming from six European countries. BRAINTEASER intends to become an open, significant success story of how, in the modern healthcare scenario, the integration of clinical knowledge, technical...
In May 2018, the EU-funded MULTI-ACT project kicked off, aiming to increase the impact of health research on people with brain diseases kicks off today. It will create and implement a new model allowing for the effective cooperation of all relevant stakeholders and be applicable in defining the scope of health research and innovation as well...
In July 2018, EBC released a statement “Counting down to zero: Towards a future with underfunded health research?” which called on the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council to increase the budget of the “Horizon Europe” programme to at least €120 billion. EBC welcomed the increase of the overall draft budget but firmly...
The EU-funded PRIME Project - where EBC is a partner - kicked off in January 2020, working to explore how common molecular mechanisms may link metabolic disorders, especially type 2 diabetes and obesity, with brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and autism spectrum disorders. The 5-year long project (January 2020 – 31 December...
In November 2018, the EU-funded “AD Detect and Prevent” project kicked off, led by the Danish digital therapeutics company Brain+, pursuing the ambitious aim of developing a digital tool to improve the detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) prior to the possible onset of dementia and combining this with lifestyle programmes for reducing lifestyle risk related...
On the occasion of Brain Awareness Week 2022, the second round of the Value of Treatment project released results and calls to action. The Value of Treatment for Brain Disorders (VOT) is a health economics and outcomes research project launched in 2015, with the objective to identify treatment gaps (or barriers to care) along the care...
The European Brain Council and the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure held the first European Brain Summit, a joint event that took place on 12th October 2021 in Brussels, in conjunction with the Brain Innovation Days. This was a unique opportunity to explore the challenge of understanding the brain and the role that Europe should continue to play in this...
The European Brain Council released its Policy Roadmap ‘Brain Health in Europe: Fostering Innovation, Improving Outcomes’ on the occasion of Brain Awareness Week 2021, calling for the establishment of an EU-wide and public health combined Brain Plan. The Roadmap stressed that today, more than ever, EU health stakeholders need to come together and ensure that...